Amazon Artists Management

Brand Identity, Positioning: Steffan Aune Håpnes


AAM has an impressive track record and frequently send people up for major blockbusters, large scale adverts and famous theatre plays. But, to stand out from the competition and more effectively connect with talents they needed a refined brand positioning, visual identity and a greater online presence.

Focused workshops, consumer research, interviews and detailed competitor analysis revealed their brand truth: for AAM, being an actor centric agency, communication is everything.

Together we turned that insight into a purposeful idea that could navigate their brand forwards. In a highly competitive industry, conversation is key to enable AAM to push the boundaries and put their hungry actors in the spotlight.

The Identity
The identity heroes the communicative and actor-centric nature that sets AAM apart. At the back of the discovery of the brand truth, I translated the insight into a premium yet personable brand identity system that takes cues from the written language as a starting ground for expansion.

I chose the typeface Helvetica Neue and its phenomenal set of glyphs to be the visual hero. It ensures the visual semiotics always stays fresh and coherent with its unlimited potential to create signifiers and decorations across communications channels in the ever-changing world of brand and marketing.

The visual identity has become an effective identifier of who they are and made them stand apart from the competition, making it easier for talents to approach, trust and interact with them. 

Their website has become an effective tool for scouts to locate talent and has generated a significant amount of traffic. As part of the efficiency strategy, the website has a user-friendly build and made it easy for AAM's staff to add and update content.

Monday Nov 5 2018