Accidental Bosses (Unmind)


Creative Lead, Creative Positioning, Visual Identity: Steffan Aune Håpnes
Creative Designer: Adam Hutchinson
Motion Design: Oded Shein
Sound Design: Franky Redente
Creative Producer: Ana Guy
Copywriter: Rosemary Evelegh & James North
Content Director: Elliott King


Most large organisations have a manager training scheme in place. Typically these are traditional ‘classroom style’ seminars and one-off away days. Not only do they lack scientific rigour, they’re boring and easily forgotten.

We need to present the consequences of this in a way buyers can’t ignore. We need to make them question their current approach. Without leaders with the skills to proactively support their own or their team’s mental health, company culture suffers This increases the risk of poor employee mental health, which costs business losses in productivity, performance and revenue.

To achieve this we have to bring creativity and storytelling to demonstrate the human and economic impact of not providing their managers with the right support. We also need to bring the science – to back our narrative with surprising & spicy data.


Our bosses have a bigger impact on our wellbeing and performance than our partners and therapists. Leadership training is the most important element of a wellbeing strategy – no amount of free fruit or mindfulness sessions can make up for a bad boss.
Yet 82% of bosses haven’t taken any training – they’re accidental leaders, promoted based on competency not people management skills. That’s okay – no one is born to rule. But you wouldn’t want to go under the knife of an accidental surgeon or fly with an unskilled pilot; at some point or another, those steering the ship need proper training. By ticking a box, one-off seminars are only adding fuel to the fire.

The difference between accidental bosses and strategic leaders is the right kind of training. A wellbeing-first, continuous approach that’s relevant to today’s working world; and fits into today’s schedules.

Great leaders aren’t born, they’re trained. Accidental bosses need intentional training. 

We created a handbook backed by science to support the evidence of the insights of the campaign. We hammered the point home by creating a large series of videos for social to support the larger narrative of the handbook, through the medium of authentic stories from everyday people in the streets, in-depth studio recordings together with our Science team, webinars to go deeper into the biggest topics, conversation starters to get people talking and more.

My Role 
It takes a village to tow a project of this magnitude over the finish line – the creative process is a democratic process where everyone chips in and gives feedback where necessary.

As the Creative Lead I was leading and managing the team through the creative process – we designed a radically differentiated creative positioning that removed any chance of direct competition within the mental health and wellbeing space.

I crafted the creative and visual positioning with the team to amplify and complement the answer to the original problem. Besides the creative positioning, I designed the visual identity and crafted the ideas-led imagery.


70% landing page conversion rate (1 month in).
The growing results cement the Creative department as the biggest revenue driver for Unmind.


By design, crafted a profitable campaign that has the potential to be extended for a year – opening up months of bandwidth for the Creative team to focus on other revenue-driving opportunities.

Download the handbook here

Download the handbook here

Above: Manager Study video
Below: Vox pop style videos for social

Above: Webinar examples. You can find the webinars here.

Below: Extracts from the handbook.

Monday Nov 5 2018