
Brand Identity

Art Direction, Design, Illustration and Motion: Steffan Aune Håpnes


Lokale' was a food venue start-up from a small village town in the middle of Norway. They aimed to become a social and cultural protagonist for the municipality. But, in order to effectively work towards their goal they needed a clear brand positioning and visual identity so they could communicate and connect with their broad audience.

Focused workshops and consumer research revealed their brand truth: for Lokale', it is a combination of their pure interest in the local area, naturally sourced ingredients and their desire to act as an accelerator for cultural and aromatic growth. The area is rich in culture and natural resources while the people are naturally welcoming and loving.

Together we translated this insight into a single and purposeful idea to help them grow. 'Naturally good' became their guiding mantra helping them make choices true to their brand.

Visual Identity
I translated Lokale's mantra 'Naturally good' into a versatile identity system that embraces their broad interaction with culture, ingredients and personalities. The different shapes encapsulates the notion of variety while ensuring visual brand consistency and can easily support any messaging for brand and marketing. The visual identity reflects their genuine interest for the local community and will for instance put locally sourced photography to good use.

Very happy clients as they felt the identity represented them very accurately. The design system invites third parties to participate in the active long-term development of the visual identity, giving power to their goal of being an accelerator of local cultural growth and being able to grow intertwined with the local community.

Monday Nov 5 2018