Neurodiversity at Work (Unmind)


Creative Positioning, Visual Identity, Graphic Design: Steffan Aune Håpnes
Motion Design: Tayo Olarewaju, The Animation Guys
Sound Design: Franky Redente
Editing: Celia Gómez Villán 
Creative Producer: Ana Guy
Copywriter: Rosemary Evelegh
Content Director: Elliott King


Through creating a science-backed course, we needed to get managers bought into the importance of understanding neurodiversity and the impact it can have on wellbeing and performance at work. We wanted managers to feel like they’re contributing to positive change in their organisation and society.

To achieve this we had to create a unique conceptual and visual world that truly champions neurodiversity, tackles stigma and drives adoption, engagement and learning outcomes.


Neurodiversity is a big buzzword and despite this, neurodiversity is still misunderstood and stigmatised. It’s a controversial, complex and highly-debated topic.

As if understanding the topic isn’t hard enough, neurodiversity is a cutting-edge area of expertise that’s changing fast. Some people see the term ND as something that helps reduce stigma, but others feel it minimises the difficulties that people can face.

This makes it hard for managers to access the right information. As a consequence, there’s a big lack of knowledge around how to support ND in the workplace. Managers need to be empowered to drive change at both individual and cultural levels. They need practical tools they can use day to day, at all stages of the employee life-cycle.

Being a manager is hard enough, so having access to the information is the bare minimum. Managers need to know the why behind the what and the value exchange needs to tap into the selfish benefits. 

Our biggest hurdle is to create content that has a profitable expression to make the content sticky, engaging and memorable.

The idea can be summarised as ‘Great minds don’t think alike’.

It’s estimated that one in seven of us have neurodivergent conditions, but the reality is no two brains on this planet are exactly alike.

This means there’s no such thing as ‘normal’. 

And if managers aren’t clued up, they’re missing out. If they can’t support their team’s uniqueness, they won’t get the best from their people. This effectively makes our collection bigger than a just another piece of training.

We created a path for managers to help understand neurodiversity as a concept.

The course is made to dispel the myths, cut through the misinformation, and get managers up to speed. We’re giving them expert knowledge, practical advice, and increased levels of empathy through lived experiences of neurodiversity – while keeping them entertained.

We’ve designed a structure that’s leading with the right insights at the right time for creating the most time-efficient and effective journey for the manager.

My Role 
It takes a village to tow a project of this magnitude over the finish line – the creative process is a democratic process where everyone chips in and gives feedback where necessary.

As the Creative Lead I helped lead the team through the creative process – we designed a radically differentiated creative positioning that removed any chance of direct competition within the mental health and wellbeing space.

I designed a visual identity that amplifies and complements the creative positioning of the course – as part of this development I crafted all the style frames and overseeing the development of the motion work.

Above: One of several videos from the course.
Monday Nov 5 2018