Spotify Premium

Prepaid Campaign Identit
Art Direction: Steffan Aune Håpnes
Illustration: Steffan Aune Håpnes, Taylar Wong
Animation: Inessa Tsulimova, Luke Bosshard, Laura Varetto


We were tasked to create an illustrative campaign identity for the 4x Prepaid CRM Programs across its products. These consist of e-mail, in-app and push communications to Prepaid users to inform them about their Prepaid membership.

After deciphering the brief we did some initial research that we narrowed down to 3 potential routes to how we could approach this campaign.

We settled for taking the angle of creating easy-to-grasp, bespoke, ideas-based illustrations for each message. We employed behavioural design to accompany and sell the messages in the most clear way possible. Giving the largely functional messaging a visual angle that helps getting the message across at first glance.

My role was to interpret the brief, lead the visual strategy, art direct and illustrate the beginning bulk of the project before handing over to other members of the design team at Byte for support.

The Illustrations
We created in total 30+ bespoke, ideas-based illustration. Each illustration is supporting a specific message, in the first three stand-alone examples starting from the left they accompany the following headline copy:
•  'Listening freedom'
•  'Make time for Premium'
•  'Rediscover Premium'

Incredibly happy client due to a strong delivery and followed suit with a quick sign-off. The illustrative identity fell in really good taste with the client, we currently don't have any metrics to show but I will be updating as soon it's available.

Monday Nov 5 2018