Spotify Premium

Reactivation Campaign Identity

Art Direction, Illustration and Animation:  Steffan Aune Håpnes


While at Byte, Spotify Premium approached us needing a CRM campaign for their Reactivation program across all propositions (Standard, Duo, Family and Student).

Together with a small team at Byte we worked out a strategy on how to approach and solve the communication problem. My role was to lead the way on the visual strategy, art direction, craft and asset optimisation that would as a complete package complement the business and overall creative strategy.

The client is based in the Stockholm office and we would communicate and cooperate over online mediums. Early on we would present insights from our research alongside with rudimental sketches of visual concepts together with potential art directions with the aim to align our thinking so we could progress to the next stage.

Each illustration needed an easy-to-grasp, ideas-based angle to support the very functional copy in a fun, surprising and lighthearted way. Each illustration would live in Spotify's CRM channels together with core messaging and a whole body of copy.

The 3 first GIF's is an example of how we would visually communicate that the user's subscription was about to run out, starting from the left it would accompany these messages:
1.) ‘That's all for now’
2.) ‘Act now, stay Premium’
3.) ‘You've cancelled Premium’

The campaign had amazing results. 6% of people who opened a cancellation message ended up migrating to a new/different Spotify plan. Premium also had 7% increase in users overall remaining on Spotify after getting the messages. A groundbreaking lift from 5% to 12%.

Monday Nov 5 2018